Last updated: a MARFLEET Family History web-page

Registration District  Kingston-upon-Hull
1840     Marriage solemnized at Hull      in the Parish of Holy Trinity      in the County of the Said town     
No. When Married. Name and Surname. Age. Condition. Rank or Profession.
13  March 9 (After Banns)  William Marfleet  of Full age  Bachelor  Mariner 
Jane Elizabeth King  of Full age  Widow   
Residence at the time of Marriage. Father's Name and Surname. Rank or Profession of Father.
2 Postern gate  the late William Marfleet  cordwainer 
The same street    Farmer 
Married in the Parish Church      according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by me     J.H. Bromley
This Marriage was solemnized between us,William X Marfleet's mark in the Presence of us,Thomas Hewson 
Jane Elizabeth X King's mark Elizabeth Wright 

Contents Certificates Marriage XXII 230